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Water based, graphite die forging lubricant for high lubricity for hot, warm and precision forging.


Product Overview

BONDERITE® L-FG 31 (known as DELTAFORGE 31) is a smokeless, water based, graphite die lubricant for difficult mechanical press work and highly automated operations. Ideal for use when hot forging plain carbon steel, alloy steel, and stainless steel.   


Recommended for automatic spray systems.

Features & Benefits

Forms a film on hot dies up to 316°C (600°F)
Combination of proprietary binder and fine graphite allow deposit of thin films.
Improve downtime due to reduced sticking and die maintanence.
Excellent lubricity and good lubricity
Uniform wetting of hot dies 
Control of die temperatures through adjustment of dilution ratios
No heavy metals or phosphates, Non-corrosive

Product Specifications

Lubricants :  processed micro-graphite
Carrier/diluent :  water
Density :  9..0 lb/ gal
pH:  10 - 11
Freezing point :  0ºC (32ºF)
Shelf life :  12 months from date of qualification under original seal

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