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Semi-synthetic machining fluid for ferrous and aluminum metals is formulated with bio-resistance to prevent biofouling.

Product Overview

BONDERITE® L-MR B-583H is a semi-synthetic fluid with high oil content that is intended for light to moderate machining and grinding of ferrous and aluminum alloys. This cutting fluid provides enhanced lubrication, cleanliness, and cooling properties in aluminum, cast iron, and steel machining applications. Its high lubricity minimizes tool wear, ensuring smoother operations and improved precision in machining tasks. Additionally, it's wetting and emulsifying properties ensure a cleaner operation and less product usage. BONDERITE® L-MR B-583H is also formulated with bio-resistant technology to extend fluid life, reduce coolant changes, and eliminate the need for tankside additives. The advanced metalworking formulation helps in reducing maintenance downtime, thereby increasing overall productivity. 


Machining and grinding ferrous and aluminum metals

Features & Benefits

High-oil content provides enhanced lubricity
Bio-resistant additives eliminate need for tank-side biocides and provide longer fluid life
Water-based, semi-synthetic fluid provides cooling properties to machine tool and part
Excellent tramp oil rejection for longer fluid life
Superb wetting characteristics and emulsification allows for cleaner operation and reduces product usage
Compatible with various metals, including steel, cast iron, and aluminum

Problems Solved

Ineffective cutting fluid
Foul odors and rancidity from the coolant
Machining lubricant with low-oil content causing tool and part wear
Frequent coolant changes and short coolant life
Dirty machining operation and dirty parts resulting in frequent coolant top-offs

Product Specifications

Appearance of concentrate: hazy amber fluid
Appearance at 5%: translucent tan fluid
Recommended concentration, %: 5 - 10
pH of emulsion, typical: 9.2 - 9.4
Density, lbs/gal: 8.3
Chlorine: no
Boron: yes
Refractometer factor: 1.33
Biosan Bacteria Challenge: pass

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