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Semi-synthetic, bio-resistant coolant for light to medium machining in hard water environments.


Product Overview

BONDERITE® L-MR B-204 is a semi-synthetic, low-foaming fluid with bio-resistance and medium oil content.  Designed for medium duty ferrous or light duty non-ferrous machining.  Ideal for moderate to hard water environments.


BONDERITE® L-MR B-204 is ideal where water quality is moderate to hard (1000- 300 ppm) or where process requirements make foam difficult to control.  

    Recommended Use Concentrations:​
  • Grinding:                   6%-7%
  • General Machining:  6%-8%
  • Heavy Machining:     8%-10%

Features & Benefits

Excellent low foaming properities in soft or hard water.
High lubricity for versatile applications.
Bio-resistant technology to eliminate "monday morning odors" and extra tank additives.
Reduced product consumption due to superior wetting and emulsion properties.
Superb tramp oil rejection for easy removal and solution longevity.

Problems Solved

BONDERITE® L-MR B-204 helps provide a solution to the following industry & application problems: 

Monday morning odors
Difficult to control foaming issues due to process requirements
Shortened tool life due to overheating
Extra costs and down-time due to tank maintenance.

Product Specifications

Appearance of Concentrate:  Hazy, amber fluid
Appearance @ 5% Translucent white fluid
Recommended Conc. 5 – 10% pH of Emulsion (typical) 9.2 – 9.4
Density 8.4 lbs / gallon
Chlorine None
Boron Yes
efractometer Factor 1.67
Biosan Bacteria Challenge (Biosan SOP# 14-1) Pass

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